たかた行政書士事務所 代表
特定行政書士 米国公認会計士 (ワシントン州) 奥野剛 です。

I am Tsuyoshi Okuno, a Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist and representative of Takata Gyoseishoshi Office. I am US Certified Public Accountant (Washington) too.
We have opened an office in Takada Nishi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama City.
In addition to qualifications other than Gyoseishoshi, we are working hard to accumulate knowledge and strive to be useful to everyone.
Please feel free to contact us via "Contact".
The first 30 minutes consultation is free.
Sou Tsuyoshi Okuno, Despachante e representante do Escritório Takata Gyoseishoshi. Também sou Contador Público Certificado nos EUA (Washington).
Abrimos um escritório em Takada Nishi, distrito de Kohoku, cidade de Yokohama.
Além de outras qualificações além do Despachante, estamos trabalhando muito para acumular conhecimento e nos esforçamos para ser úteis a todos.
Não hesite em contactar-nos através "Fale Conosco".
A primeira consulta de 30 minutos é gratuita.

所有資格 Qualifications
経歴 Career
東京大学修士課程修了 Completed of Master Course at the University of Tokyo
東京農工大学卒 Graduated from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
ブラジル国 コチア産業組合中央組合インターン Internship at Cooperative Agricultura de Cotia, Cooperativa Central
ブラジル国立サンパウロ大学ESALQ留学 Studied at Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (Esalq) , Universidade de São Paulo
日商岩井株式会社・双日株式会社 定年退職 Retired from Sojitz Corporation (former Nissho Iwai Corporation)
ベトナム、ポルトガル 駐在 except Brazil, I have experience living and manage small and mid-sized company in Vietnam and Portugal
Worked as an accounting and general affairs officer at an overseas operating companies and acquired practical accounting knowledge during that time.